Middle Neck News


Accordint to newsontheneck.com, the town of Montross has been going out of its way of late to boast a host of new improvements. From the new parking lot to the creation of the park near the library, the folks living around Town are experiencing a sort of Christmas in spring as these little improvements all add up into a pretty big picture.

The Montross Town Council’s monthly meeting gave some insight into where this panoply of projects was positioned, courtesy of Mayor Terry Cosgrove.

First up to bat was the town’s planned acquisition of a plot of land next to Blue Ridge Bank, which would go towards the creation of a new parking lot for that half of town. The deal for the lot had closed and everything is being finalized and notarized till waiting for a grand total of three bids. Once a third bid comes in, things can progress, much to the delight of the businesses at that end of town.


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