Middle Neck News

Spotted Lanterfly Making Its Way Across The State

An ‘invader’ is moving through the state…Roxanne Stuart has the story…


“Although they’re somewhat interesting looking, a striking pest is making its way across the state and farmers are asking for the public’s help. According to VSP, the Spotted Lanternfly is migrating down the center of the state from north to southwest right now and can do extensive damage to apple, hops and grape crops, just to name a few out of about 40 species of plants in the state they will feed on. And apparently, they love to hitchhike on almost anything. The spotted lanternfly was first identified in the northern tip of the state in 2018. Right now our area isn’t in their path, but the State Cooperative Extension office says beware and stop the spot. More info can be found at ext.vt.edu and search spotted lanternfly.”

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