Dominion And Contractor Fined For Permit Violations

The Virginia Marine Resources Commission fined Dominion Energy and contractor Mears Group $20,000 each for incorrectly locating two work platforms as part of the underwater transmission line project in the Rappahannock River near the Robert O. Norris Jr. Memorial Bridge. The Rappahannock Record reports Dominion also was ordered to pay $69,000 related to expected environmental … Read more

Kilmarnock Community Gets Residential Broadband Internet

A Kilmarnock home owners association and a high-speed internet provider partner to get broadband service to their subdivision after not being able to obtain funding through the Virginia Telecommunication Initiative. According to the Rappahannock Record the Clifton Landing Property Owners Association and Atlantic Broadband developed a negotiated cost-sharing solution that balanced expenses and mutual investments. … Read more

Great Awakening Books Donated To MCPL

The Middlesex County Public Library received a donation of two books about the Great Awakening which according to historians is the mid-18th century religious revival that swept the American colonies and most nations of the world with significant Protestant populations. According to the Southside Sentinel Jean Rhame who is on the Middlesex County Museum and … Read more

Urbanna’s Mayor Can’t Vote On Council Matters Any More

Town of Urbanna Mayor Barbara Hartley is no longer allowed to vote on matters coming before the Town Council. The Southside Sentinel reports that action was the result of Town Council Andy Bury’s determination that having the Mayor participate in Council votes violates the town charter as the Mayor is not a council member. The … Read more

MCPC Considering Power Storage Facility Application

The Middlesex County Planning Commission is considering an land use application for a electrical storage facility at Harmony Village. According to the Southside Sentinel the proposed 5-acre facility at the intersection of General Puller Highway and Grey’s Point Road will use batteries to store excess power from Dominion Energy and release it back to the … Read more

LCBOS Holding Solar Power Ordinance Public Hearing

The Lancaster Board of Supervisors set Feb. 25 as the date for a public hearing on a proposed solar panel ordinance. According to the Rappahannock Record the ordinance covers both solar power for utilities and smaller-scale installations for residential locations. Several community members spoke both for and against solar power installations at last week’s board … Read more

KPD Getting New Squad Car

Kilmarnock Police will be getting a new patrol vehicle now that its purchase was approved Monday by the Town Council. The Rappahannock Record reports the town is applying for a US Department of Agriculture grant to cover the vehicle’s cost. Councilwoman Kylie Abbott did the research on purchasing a vehicle and found it would be … Read more

VA Senate Okays Death Penalty Abolition

The Virginia Senate votes to eliminate the death penalty in a vote that largely went down party lines with Democrats in favor of abolising it and Republicans against. An bill amendment to keep the death penalty for willfully killing a police officer was ultimately rejected. If the House passes their version of the bill and … Read more

Montross Swaps Leaders

There’s been a swap in the Town of Montross’s top leadership. According to the Northern Neck News Mayor Joey King decided to step down and nominated vide-mayor Terry Cosgrove as his successor which was approved. Then Councilman Bobby Greene who was nominated for vice-mayor withdrew his name and instead nominated King for the position. Greene … Read more

Historic Marker Memorialized Landmark Lancaster Man

The Virginia Department of Historic Resources installed a highway marker at the intersection of Route 3 and Route 651 in Kilmarnock to memorialize the Northern Neck’s first black physician. Dr. Morgan E. Norris was a Lancaster native and the marker is located at the place where he practiced medicine beginning in 1928. Dr. Norris also … Read more